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New Findings on Brain Circuit Development
Date:2012/05/15 10:38      Share:
A study team led by YU Yongchun at Fudan University Institute of Neurobiology, in collaboration with a team headed by SHI Songhai at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer in New York, has for the first time found that electrical synapses’ communications between brain neurons play an important role in the development of brain circuits. The finding was published in the online issue of Nature. 

YU and coworkers proved the important role played by electrical synapses in the development of cerebral cortex neural circuits by changing the electrical synaptic connections between excitatory neurons, providing an important clue for translating the electrical synaptic connections to chemical connections.

To study the impact of electrical synapses on the development of chemical synapses, YU and coworkers selectively blocked the connections of sister neuron electrical synapses, using molecular biological techniques. They found that the blockade of the electrical connection impairs the subsequent formation of specific chemical synapses between sister excitatory neurons, though the chemical synaptic connections between non-sister neurons were not affected.

The finding suggests that the development of cerebral cortex neural circuits follows a rule, and there is a strong link between lineage-dependent transient electrical coupling and the assembly of precise excitatory neuron microcircuits in the neocortex.

 From: http://www.most.gov.cn/eng/newsletters/2012/201205/t20120509_94251.htm

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